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Audit Risk Prevention

Most organisations have felt the pain of an expensive software audit. The software being purchased and implemented in your company today is creating the audit and compliance risks of tomorrow. Software Asset Management tools will help you identify the risk once it's deployed, but by then its too late, it cannot stop the risk or overspend from occurring. We need risk prevention, not detection.


Astute's mission is to end software non-compliance and audit risks in organisations permanently.


Our approach is not to discover risk, which is an important part of the solution but to also prevent risk, by instilling the right governance in the organisation to control the software introduction process.


With AstuteLDM you can prevent risk entering your estate and prevent expensive audits.

Demand Forecasting

AstuteLDM has the capability to predict future software requirements and forecast future spend. Our powerful Demand forecasting suite is essential for Software Asset Management and Procurement professionals, helping to plan future licence use and consolidate demand to create much better deals.

Catalogue Mgmt.

AstuteLDM acts as a central platform for requesting Enterprise Software products from an approved software catalogue.  Easy to use, risk removing and enforces best practice workflow. Control what software is allowed to be used by projects and approve or deny software entry to the catalogue, reducing duplicate functionality and barring unwanted applications. Force licence reuse of products you are over licenced for instead of spending money for unrequired products. 

Future Spend Optimization

By forecasting future demand we can see what licences are required ahead of purchases. This gives us the opportunity to consolidate demand, allocate any spare licences to reduce demand, predict when we will breach existing deals so we can plan appropriately. 


This is the missing step of Software management, by being proactive and controlling the software introduction process we can ensure we get the best deal possible. 

Request demo

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Tel: +44 800 2986958

The Innovation Centre, Tech Daresbury, Cheshire, WA4 4FS, UK

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